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Music Equipment
Single Song Routine
Online Cut/Edit

Do you have the audio file or do you need us to find and purchase?*

        If you can upload actual wav, mp3 or m4a files then choose "No, I will provide my own audio file" below. We can't use links to streaming services such as Spotify or Apple Music, etc. We need an actual audio file. If you need us to purchase the song required, Select "Yes, I would like you to find and purchase the song for me!" There is a charge for us to find, purchase, and download/convert files.

IF YOU CHOSE "YES, I.." ABOVE and we are purchasing your song. Please give us the song name, artist(s), and specific version (album, remix, etc.).

Do you want us to decide the cuts for this routine?*

        We can professionally arrange the routine music to a set time if you are unsure of what cuts you want. Select "Yes, you decide..." and we'll cut the routine to your set time limits (If you choose this option and decide you want to try different cut points after we deliver, there will be an additional charge).

In the Editing Instructions below, just let us know what the maximum and minimum length should be. Also note if there are any sections you specifically want included such as:
"I want from 0:45 to 1:11 for sure".
IMPORTANT: If you choose "No Thanks..." it means you agree to have all of the precise cut points in your instructions. If you need us to figure certain areas out or come up with an ending etc., you need to choose "Yes, you decide..."

Do you need rush delivery?

       Typical delivery is within 2 business days. "1 Business Day Rush" guarantees delivery of product within 1 business day of processing.

Editing Instructions

Enter your instructions for this routine in the box below. Instructions should be clear and formatted as follows:
Routine Name - Song name
Start - 0:00 cut at 1:17
Back In 2:27 cut at 2:52
Back In at 3:32 to 4:10 end of song
Enter any minimum and maximum time requirements here. If you have any specific parts of the song you for sure want to be included in the routine, enter those times here. Let us know if we need to manufacture an ending or if you want it faded out and for how long etc.
Be as specific as you can. Any changes that are asked for that were not included in the instructions will be charged a revision charge.

Important Info: after submitting you will be directed to a Google Drive to upload any needed audio files. Within 1 business day you will receive an emailed invoice for your order. Orders will not be processed/delivered until we have received all materials/instructions and invoice has been paid in full.

This service operates under Evan Suiter Music LLC, as reflected on the invoice.

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal accepted

© Evan Suiter Music 2025

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